CPS Engages Partner Organizations In Using Radio Drama For Promotion of Peace

Workshop Participants And CPS Coordinators As part of measures to spread peace through communication, the Civil Peace Service of Bread for the World organized a 5- day workshop on radio drama production on the theme "Radio Drama: A Veritable Tool for the Promotion of Peace".The workshop which was held at the PCC Synod office in Buea brought together 17 CPS partner organizations from all over the country. Opening the training workshop, the representative of the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, the National Peace Coordinator, Rev. Nta William Nche disclosed that the workshop is coming at a time when all avenues have to be exploited to preach peace, and radio drama is one of them. During the 5-day training workshop, the participants were drilled on peace, peacebuilding, conflict, history of radio drama, elements of a good script amongst others by Julius Nzang and Achaleke Christian, who were the main facilitators. Cross Section of Participants During Workshop At...